How I Can Post YOUTUBE Video In My BLOG

 If you have your videos on the computer that you want to share on your blog, Blogger now allows you to directly download videos! If you want to share a YouTube video, you can do it too.

Embed a YouTube Video
To embed a YouTube video, just copy the code from the "Insert" on the video page on YouTube. Find
box "Insert" in the "About This Video" when the video. You can also use the code from the "Embed HTML" on the "Edit video" if the video belongs to your YouTube account.
To embed a YouTube video in a blog post, first click on the message "Edit HTML" of the editor. Then you add the video code in the body of the message. That's it!

One-Click Setup Video Sharing
If you regularly publish YouTube videos on your blog, share directly to YouTube is easier than ever and must be set once.
1. Click the "Share" button on the YouTube video page
2. Scroll through the list and click "Configure your blog to view the video."
3. Click on "Add a Blog / Site"
4. Choose "Blogger" Blog Service and fill with data access to your Google Account.

5. Choose blogs that you want to add to your YouTube account. You can choose more than one.
6. Now when you click "Share", you have the ability to post YouTube videos directly receive your   blog!

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One Response to “How I Can Post YOUTUBE Video In My BLOG”

  1. Hey,

    Thanks for sharing these tips.. i like it. good work keep it up..

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